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SUDC 4300: Intro to Substance Use Disorder Counseling

Finding Articles

Before you start searching for articles, think of your specific research question and the main ideas you plan to write about. This will help you identify search terms to use in the databases and make your search process more efficient.

Once you've identified the main ideas you plan to research, combine your search terms using AND to create a search string you can use in a database. For example: "opioid addiction" AND counseling. For more strategies to improve your searching, see the Search Strategies page in this guide or watch the video below.


Use the following databases to find articles for your research. While these databases primarily include scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, they may also include other types of sources such as dissertations, book reviews, and magazine articles.

Behavioral Science Databases

Clinical & Health Sciences Databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Journals & Trade Magazines

The following are recommended scholarly journals and trade magazines for research on substance abuse disorder counseling.

To check for other journals, use our Journals by Title tool:

Interlibrary Loan for Articles

If you can't access the full text of an article using any of the resources on this page, use Interlibrary Loan to request the article. We'll locate another library that has the article and get you a PDF copy for free; this typically takes 2-3 business days. UVU students and employees should never pay for articles—the library has you covered!

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123