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Search Strategies

Whether you're searching using OneSearch or another library database, there are certain strategies you can use to ensure you find the kind of information for which you're looking. When you use search engines like Google, you're able to type in whole questions or phrases. Library databases, however, are much more specific.

Search Terms

First, we select the main search terms that relate to our topic. The database works best with nouns. Eliminate any articles (of, to, is, the), adjectives (best, worst, good, bad), and most verbs (affect, change, alter, support).

Quotation Marks

Quotation marks are used to tell databases to search for words in a certain order. This is especially useful for specific topics that can't be boiled down to a single word.

  • "amino acids"
  • "chemical kinetics"

This is also helpful when searching for the title of a specific source or a person's name!

  • "The Disappearing Spoon"
  • "Napoleon's Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History"
  • "Marie Curie"

Search Strings

We then connect our search terms. This is what we'll actually type into a database search box. Search strings work best when they're limited to no more than four search terms—otherwise, your search will be too narrow! 

Search Strings Using AND

When you connect your search terms using AND, the database will search for books, articles, and more which contain all your search terms. Search strings using AND narrow our search.

  • "electronegative atoms" AND "physical bonding"
  • history AND chemistry AND hydrogen

Search Strings Using OR and Parenthesis

Search strings using OR help us expand our search and find more results. Use OR to search for related ideas and synonyms. Often, OR is used in conjunction with parenthesis. OR on its own can often bring back too many results, so the parentheses help keep the database from bringing up off-topic resources:

  • "noble gasses" OR "inert gases" OR aerogens
  • (radioactive OR nuclear) AND decay

Search Strings Using NOT

You may want to exclude certain concepts from your research. This can be done using the word NOT. Search strings using NOT help us narrow our search and find results that are more relevant to our topic. 

  • ("dipole interaction" OR "dipolar coupling") NOT "nuclear Overhauser effect"
  • chemotherapy NOT "alkylating agents"

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If you're struggling with your searches, please contact a librarian!

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  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123