Many library databases include a citation tool that automatically generates citations for you, in a variety of styles. When you've found an article, book, or other item in a library database that you'd like to use, look for a tool or button labeled Cite or Citation. The exact location and label for the tool varies depending on the database you're using. In EBSCOhost databases like OneSearch, the Citation Tool is available right from the results page:
You'll be prompted to select a citation style before the database generates a citation for you.
The library recommends you use these citation-generating tools—there's no reason to write citations from scratch when you have a time-saving tool like this! However, these citations can often contain formatting errors or missing information, since they're not actually made by a human. You should always proofread and edit citations made by citation generators! Use the resources on the Citation Style Manuals & Guides page, to find properly formatted citation examples that will help you with citation editing.
There are also several free citation generators available online. Like citations from library databases, these should always be proofread for accuracy. These tools are especially helpful for sources you find outside a library database, such as an article from a newspaper's website.
Word of Caution: Sometimes these online tools default to outdated editions of citation style, such as defaulting to APA 6 when the current edition is APA 7. Make sure you're using the current edition for your chosen style, or the required edition for your class.