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Finding News Sources

Use this page for help locating news articles using the Fulton Library's resources. If you read newspapers online or see news articles on your social media, you’re probably familiar with the experience of clicking on an eye-catching title, only to be asked to pay money to read the rest of the article. The library can help! We offer several databases that include current newspapers and newswires to stay on top of today’s news, plus archives with older editions if you’re looking for a historical perspective.

News & Current Events Databases

Utah Newspapers

The following links lead to public websites for Utah newspapers. Read the description to learn whether or not the newspaper has a paywall that may prevent you from reading more than a certain number of articles for free each month, and if the newspaper is included in a library database.

Utah Student Newspapers

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123