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Library Resources for English Language Learners

Browse Library Catalog by Language

Most of the time, looking for a book, DVD, or Blu-ray is just a matter of typing in a title, author, or even a topic into OneSearch or the library's catalog, but there are other ways to search.

To see all titles in a specific language, go to the Fulton Library's catalog (link below).

  • Click Advanced Search.
  • Underneath the search boxes, in the section labeled Item Type, select the format(s) you would like.
    • If you are looking for books, you will want to select Books and/or Electronic Books.
    • If you are looking for media, select AV - Bluray Discs, AV - BlurayDVD Combo, AV - DVDs, and AV - Discs. You will need to select all boxes which start to see all of our DVDs and Blu-ray discs.
  • Once you have selected your preferred item types, use the Language drop-down menu to select any of the available languages. You may need to scroll down the page to see this option.
  • Click the green search button. You don't need to type anything in the search boxes.
  • Note: You may find that, when you search for DVDs and Blu-ray, movies come up that aren't in your preferred language. This is because the video has subtitles in the language you searched for.

Browse by Call Number

The Fulton Library uses the Library of Congress System to organize our books and videos. This means items on specific topics can be found near each other and helps you locate materials in a specific language.

Videos are located on the second floor of the library. All foreign language movies are in section PN1995.9 .F67, then alphabetized by language.

Literature is organized by language so that, for example, all books in German or translated from German will be in the same location. All of our foreign language books are on the fourth floor of the library. You can browse our foreign language books by visiting these sections.

Language Call Number Range
Arabic PJ 7501-8517
Chinese PL 2250-3208
French PQ 1-3999
German PT 1-4897
Italian PQ 4001-5999
Japanese PL 700-889
Latin PA 6001-8595
Portuguese PQ 9000-9999
Russian PG 2900-3698
Spanish PQ 6001-8929

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123