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Library Resources for English Language Learners

A guide to research with added information for students who are English Language Learners.

Getting Started

The UVU Fulton Library is the best place to start when you need to do research. Use this guide to learn more about the library and the resources it provides. 

What Is My Librarian Saying?

Librarians sometimes use very technical terms. If you're having trouble understanding what your instructor or a librarian is saying, take a look at the dictionary and definitions below.

How to Search

To get started locating research articles or books, try using the following suggested search terms in OneSearch (link below). You can change your search terms based on your topic. Here’s an example of some searches we could try to find out more about climate change and tourism!

  • “climate change” AND tourism
  • “global warming” AND “eco-tourism” AND Argentina
  • travel AND environment AND impact

The quotation marks keep our phrases together. The AND will make sure our articles pertain to all sets of search terms we enter.


OneSearch logoOneSearch is the Fulton Library's main database. It allows you to search the library's articles, books, streaming media, and more. OneSearch includes resources on almost every topic, making it a great place to start your research!

To use OneSearch, go to the UVU Fulton Library Homepage link below. OneSearch is the main search box on the page. Enter search terms into the box, then hit enter or click the magnifying glass. Once your search runs, you can filter your results clicking the All Filters button that appears below the search box. 

Ask Your Librarian

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Rachel Riter
Email Rachel
FL411, Fulton Library

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123