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Exercise Science & Outdoor Recreation

Finding Articles

Before you start searching for articles, think of your specific research question and the main ideas you plan to write about. This will help you identify search terms to use in the databases and make your search process more efficient. 

If you search for "exercise science" in a database, you'll find thousands of articles on a wide variety of exercise science topics. To focus on your unique research needs, use additional search terms relevant to your interests. Think about...

  • Do I want to learn about a subtopic within exercise science and outdoor recreation, such as data collection?
  • Do I want to focus on how an exercise science or outdoor recreation concept relates to a specific demographic, like an age group or specific gender identity?
  • Do I want to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention?

Once you've identified the main ideas you plan to research, combine your search terms using AND to create a search string you can use in a database. For example: "exercise science" AND "data collection" AND ethics


Below are some of the databases that are most useful for research in Exercise Science and Outdoor Recreation.


Below are journals that you may find helpful with your research in Exercise Science and Outdoor Recreation. These journals are peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. This means the articles in these journals were written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts in the field before publication. This ensures the articles' quality. Be aware, however, that items published in peer-reviewed journals like book reviews, editorials, letters to the editor, and news items are not peer-reviewed.

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