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Exercise Science & Outdoor Recreation

Books and Ebooks

Below is a small sample of the many books on Exercise Science and Outdoor Recreation that you can find in the Fulton Library's collection.

You can find other Exercise Science books in the library's collections by browsing the RC section on the Fulton Library's 5th floor. Here is the breakdown of the RC section by topic, so you can determine where to look on the shelf.

You can find other Outdoor Recreation books in the library's collection by browsing the GV section on the Fulton Library's 4th floor. Here is the breakdown of the GV section by topic.

If you need any help finding resources, please do not hesitate to contact your subject librarian, Karen Sturtevant. She's always happy to help.


Finding Books

Screenshot of the books tab on the library's homepage.This list is only a starting point of commonly used books in this area, not a complete list of library books on the subject. To find other books on this subject, use the search box on the library's homepage. To find other books on this subject, use the search box on the library's homepage. The search box defaults to OneSearch. To look for books, toggle over to Books. This will limit your search to books and ebooks.

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123