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EXSC 3270: Exercise Testing

Includes research strategies and recommended library resources for UVU students taking EXSC 3270: Exercise Testing

Getting Started

This research guide is designed to help students taking EXSC 3270: Exercise Testing get started creating search strategies, finding articles, and other resources in this subject area.

If you need any assistance with your research, contact your subject librarian. They always happy to help!

Most Used Resources

In addition to OneSearch (the library's main database, see below), here are a few other databases you will find useful while doing your research.


OneSearch logoOneSearch is the Fulton Library's main database. It allows you to search the library's articles, books, streaming media, and more. OneSearch includes resources on almost every topic, making it a great place to start your research!

To use OneSearch, go to the UVU Fulton Library Homepage link below. OneSearch is the main search box on the page. Enter search terms into the box, then hit enter or click the magnifying glass. Once your search runs, you can filter your results clicking the All Filters button that appears below the search box. 


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Annabel Carroll
Email Annabel
FL412, Fulton Library

Ask Your Librarian

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Trevor Young
Email Trevor
FL109G, Fulton Library

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123