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EXSC 3270: Exercise Testing

Finding Articles

Before you start searching for articles, think of your specific research question and the main ideas you plan to write about. This will help you identify search terms to use in the databases and make your search process more efficient.

Once you've identified the main ideas you plan to research, combine your search terms using AND to create a search string you can use in a database. For example: "metabolic rate" AND sleep. For more strategies to improve your searching, see the Search Strategies page in this guide.


Below are some of the databases that are most useful for research in Exercise Science and Outdoor Recreation.


PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's online database for searching MEDLINE and additional biomedical and life sciences literature. It is one of the most up to date, comprehensive, and powerful databases for finding scholarly literature in biomedicine. 

In this short video, learn to use PubMed's Advanced Search features to refine your search with the example of a publication date range; and find journal and author names using the autocomplete feature.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar searches for full-text articles in the UVU Fulton Library and peer-reviewed articles, theses, books, abstracts, and preprint articles posted on the web. Google Scholar is a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature and is a good source to search in addition to the library databases. You will need to update your settings in Google Scholar in order to access full-text articles that the library subscribes to. Follow the steps below to connect Google Scholar to library databases.

1. Customize your Google Scholar settings to link to the Fulton Library’s collection. Click the hamburger menu at the top left of the page, then click the Settings link/Gear icon:

2. On the Settings page, click on Library links. Check Utah Valley University Library as one of your library access links; if UVU Library isn't listed use the search box to find it. Save your settings.

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123