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Finding News Sources

News On Your Birthday

A common UVU research assignment is to locate a newspaper article from the day you were born, or from the days surrounding a major event. This gives you the opportunity to explore the conversations happening around that date, as well as a chance to practice using library resources that may be useful for other research assignments.

Depending on the year you need, these assignments can be tricky to almost impossible to accomplish without going through a library database or paying for your own subscription. This is because many newspaper websites don't allow you to read more than a few articles for free each month, and because these websites often don't include archives with older articles. When they do include archives, they often only allow searching with keywords and not for specific dates.

The Fulton Library's Global Newsstream database works well for this type of assignment, because it includes numerous newspapers from around the world (including The New York Times) going back to 1977. You can also easily search for articles published on a specific date! Follow the steps on this page to learn how to use Global Newsstream to locate news articles from a specific date.

Steps to Locate News Articles on a Specific Date

  1. Use the above link to open the Fulton Library's Global Newsstream database.
  2. Under the Global Newsstream logo, click Publications.
  3. Use the search box to search for the title of a newspaper, such as The New York Times.
  4. If the database includes the newspaper, you'll see the title listed along with details about the available years and the publisher. There may be a couple different editions of the newspaper, or options that include different available years.
  5. Click the link for the newspaper you wish to browse.
  6. Use the drop-down filters under Choose an Issue to View to select the specific year, month, and day needed.
  7. You will see a list of articles published on your selected date in your selected newspaper. Click any title to read the article or download a PDF copy.
  8. Congrats, happy reading! :)

Contact a librarian using the Library Help features in this guide if you experience any difficulties locating your article.

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123