Welcome to the TECH 6700 research guide! This guide provides links to the most useful tools and resources when researching. If you need any assistance with your research, contact your subject librarian, Tim Rowley (Technology) or Ben Wilson (Business). They are always happy to help!
Partially peer reviewed. Full-text content.
Covers economics, business, accounting, management, and related subjects. Includes academic journals, trade publications, company annual reports, dissertations, and working papers, plus country profiles and economic forecasts.
Partially peer reviewed. Some full-text content.
This database focuses on science engineering and technology, including computer science and security, robotics, chemistry, geology and earth science, waste management, space science, and oceanography. Includes journals, articles, and magazines.
OneSearch and ProQuest are the Fulton Library's main databases. They allow you to search the library's articles, books, streaming media, and more. OneSearch and ProQuest include resources on almost every topic, making it a great place to start your research!
To use either of these databases, go to the UVU Fulton Library Homepage link below. Use the tabs in the search box to navigate between OneSearch and ProQuest. Enter search terms into the box, then hit enter or click the magnifying glass.
We recommend using both databases because, while there is some overlap between the two, each database features a lot of unique content.