Partially peer reviewed. Some full-text content.
This database focuses on science engineering and technology, including computer science and security, robotics, chemistry, geology and earth science, waste management, space science, and oceanography. Includes journals, articles, and magazines.
Peer reviewed. Full-text content.
This database encompasses computer science and security, mathematics, programming, robotics, artificial intelligence, and information systems. Includes journals and articles within these fields.
Peer reviewed. Full-text content.
Focuses on the fields of computer science and engineering, including information systems, data processing, computer security, bioinformatics, history of computing, and mobile computing. Access articles, periodicals, and more.
Partially peer reviewed. Full-text content.
Covers economics, business, accounting, management, and related subjects. Includes academic journals, trade publications, company annual reports, dissertations, and working papers, plus country profiles and economic forecasts.
Peer reviewed. Some full-text content.
Focuses on the life sciences, physical sciences, medical sciences, and technology, with access to scientific, technical, and medical research. Includes journal articles, book chapters, and publications.
Partially peer reviewed. Full-text content.
Covers business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy. Includes nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications.
Non-peer reviewed. Full-text content. Statistical & research data.
This comprehensive collection focuses on economic data and industry research. Features demographic and government data, plus industry market research and industry risk ratings.
Non-peer reviewed. Full-text content. Statistical & research data.
Focuses on global business and financial information. Offers company histories, financial data, and SEC filings for publicly traded companies.
Non-peer reviewed. Full-text content. Statistical & data research.
Features large private company business and financial intelligence. Provides data on major, non-publicly traded corporations. The welcome page asks you to login, which offers a more personal experience, but you may click "direct access" to proceed without an account.
Google Scholar searches for full-text articles in the UVU Fulton Library and peer-reviewed articles, theses, books, abstracts, and preprint articles posted on the web. Google Scholar is a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature and is a good source to search in addition to the library databases.
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