Before you start searching for articles, think of your specific research question and the main ideas you plan to write about. Once you've identified the main ideas you plan to research, combine your search terms using AND to create a search string you can use in a database. For example: anxiety AND mindfulness AND adolescents. For more strategies to improve your searching, see the Searching Strategies page in this guide.
Watch the video below for an overview of using APA PsycINFO to find scholarly articles. The concepts in this video also apply to using other library databases, like OneSearch. The video includes tips for finding PDF copies of articles and generating APA style citations.
Use the following databases to find articles. While these databases primarily include scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, they may also include other types of sources such as dissertations, book reviews, and magazine articles.
Non-peer reviewed. Full-text content. Statistical & research data.
A repository of psychological tests particularly useful for qualitative research. Comprised of psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments
Peer reviewed. Full-text content.
Covers social, industrial, experimental, evolutionary, cognitive, clinical, and situational psychology, as well as personality, psychobiology, and psychometrics. Offers abstracts, journals, and more.
Peer reviewed. Full-text content.
Focuses on the field of psychiatry, such as psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, guidelines, research, and breaking news. Includes books, journals, and more.
Peer reviewed. Some full-text content. Open access. Statistical & research data.
Dedicated to the medical field, including life sciences, oncology, nursing, dentistry, psychiatry, health care, veterinary science, anesthesiology, and more. Includes articles and other authoritative content.
Partially peer reviewed. Some full-text content.
Explores consumer health, nursing, medicine, and alternative medicine. Contains journals and books within these subject areas
Peer reviewed. No full-text content. Statistical & research data.
This interdisciplinary database focuses on scientific and academic research. Provides bibliographic and citation information for journal articles.
If you can't access the full text of an article using any of the resources on this page, use Interlibrary Loan to request the article. We'll locate another library that has the article and get you a PDF copy for free; this typically takes 2-3 business days. UVU students and employees should never pay for articles—the library has you covered!