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Fulton Library Guide for UVU Faculty

Library & Research Skills Instruction

The Fulton Library offers a variety of instructional support to help students develop the information literacy skills needed to find and use information effectively. Library instruction enhances a student's ability to locate appropriate research materials and improves the quality of academic research. Information literacy is an Essential Learning Outcome for Utah Valley University that library instruction supports.

We offer:

  • Face-to-face workshops are taught in the library's instruction labs or the class's regular room, and online workshops via Teams for live streaming classes.
  • Research guides—asynchronous online resources for teaching students how to get started using the library for research in a subject area or for a specific class.
  • Online tutorials and videos—additional asynchronous online resources covering a variety of research skills, including interactive tutorials and short videos.
  • SLSS 1050: Library Research—a one-credit online course that covers research skills in depth.

For more information about the learning objectives of our workshops or for assistance with scheduling, see our Instruction Program page or contact the Instruction Coordinator.

Schedule Instruction for Your Classes

Our librarians can teach information literacy workshops on a variety of information literacy topics, including developing researchable topics; using subject-specific databases, OneSearch, and other search tools; evaluating sources; and synthesizing information. Workshops can be held in the library's instruction labs, in your regular classroom, or via Teams for livestreaming courses.

Instruction for Academic Writing courses are primarily taught by librarians in our Information Services department, while instruction in other disciplines are taught by your subject librarian.

See our Instruction for Academic Writing Courses guide for lesson plans and online resources tailored for ENGH 1005, ENGL 1010, and ENGL 2010 courses.

To schedule instruction for your class:

Submit requests as early as possible to better guarantee your desired date(s). Library instruction is most successful when students come to the workshop prepared with topics and shortly before they begin a research assignment.

Adding Research Guides to Canvas Courses

Library research guides can be embedded directly in your Canvas course, making these resources easily accessible to your students throughout the semester. For assistance or to discuss creating new online resources for your class, contact the Instruction Coordinator.

Embed the Guide in Canvas Left-Side Navigation Bar

  1. You might already see Library Resources (NOT Library or UVU Library Resource) in the left-side navigation bar of your course, with the most relevant guide already embedded. If not, follow these steps or see the Adding Research Guides to Canvas Instructions PDF below.
  2. Log in to Canvas and select the course to which you’d like to add a guide.
  3. On the left side navigation bar, click Settings.
  4. On the top navigation bar, select the tab for Navigation.
  5. Drag the Library Resources item into the course navigation. Make sure the options labeled Library or UVU Library Resources are hidden from students—these are old resources and do not have live links.
  6. At the bottom of the page, click Save.
  7. Library Resources should now appear in the course’s left navigation bar, and clicking the link will load the relevant guide.

Embed the Guide in Relevant Canvas Module

  1. Use our Research Guide list to locate the guide most relevant to your course. Copy the guide's URL.
  2. Log in to Canvas and select the course to which you'd like to add the guide.
  3. In the relevant course module, click the plus sign to add an item (similar to if you were adding a new page or quiz to a module).
  4. Select the External URL option.
  5. Enter the URL for your selected research guide, name the page, and then click Add Item.
  6. The guide will now appear as a page within the module.

Adding Library Canvas Modules Using Canvas Commons

Library instructional materials can also be embedded in your Canvas course using modules and pages available through Canvas Commons. For assistance or to discuss creating new online resources for your class, contact the Instruction Coordinator.

  1. Login to Canvas.
  2. Click the Commons icon in the left-side navigation bar.
  3. Use the search box to search for library or the name of a class, such as ENGL 2010. A list of library-related resources will appear.
  4. Click the Filter icon near the top right corner of the page. Limit the results to resources shared with Utah Valley University.
  5. Click a relevant library resource for your class to learn more about it. To embed the resource into your course, click the blue Import/Download button.
  6. See the How Do I Use Commons? webpage from Instructure for complete instructions.

Instruction Coordinator

Profile Photo
Karen Sturtevant
Email Karen
FL413, Fulton Library

Library Help

  • Call: 801.863.8840
  • Text: 801.290.8123