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CJ 3300: Victimology

Search Strategies

Whether you're using OneSearch or another library database, learning a few key search strategies will make your search process more effective. When using search engines like Google, you can type in whole questions or long phrases. But library databases are designed differently and require adjusting our search process. Use the following examples to help you brainstorm search terms and to find information relevant to your topic!

Search Terms

  • "domestic abuse"
  • victim*
  • "domestic violence"
  • "intimate partner violence"
  • "wife abuse"
  • "marital violence"
  • "abused wom?n"
  • "battered wom?n"
  • "neglect* child*"
  • "neglect* parent*"
  • "spouse abuse"
  • gender
  • "male-centered culture"
  • abuse
  • fear
  • PTSD
  • "emotional abuse"
  • "sexual abuse"
  • "sexual trauma"
  • "sexual violence"
  • "sexual assault"
  • rape
  • mistreatment
  • maltreatment
  • "sex work"
  • "victim blaming" 
  • "support services"


  • ("sexual abuse" OR "sexual trauma" OR "sexual violence" OR "sexual assault" OR rape) AND "college students"
  • ("child neglect" OR "child maltreatment") AND Covid-19
  • ("male victim" OR "battered men") AND report* OR disclosure 
  • technology AND "domestic violence"
  • "digital services" AND victims and survivors
  • "domestic violence" AND (child* OR kid)
  • "Male-centered culture" AND abuse



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Karen Sturtevant
Email Karen
FL413, Fulton Library