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CJ 3300: Victimology

What is Victimology?

Victimology is "An area of criminology which studies the victims of crime and their relationship with offenders," Oxford Dictionary of Law Enforcement.

Search Strategies

When finding scholarly articles in the library databases, learning a few key search strategies will make your search process more effective. When using search engines like Google, you can type in whole questions or long phrases. But library databases are designed differently and require adjusting our search process. Use the following strategies to find the information most relevant to your research! 

Search Terms

First, brainstorm the main search terms related to your topic. Library database works best when you use nouns as search terms—eliminate any articles (of, to, is, the), adjectives (best, worst, good, bad), and most verbs (affect, change, alter, support).

Quotation Marks

Quotation marks are used to tell databases to search for exact phrases. This is especially useful for topics that can't be boiled down to a single word.

  • "restorative justice"
  • "victim blaming"

This is also helpful when searching for a specific source.

  • "Violence Against Women Act"


You'll then connect your search terms using AND to create a search string you can use in a database search box.

When you connect search terms using AND, the database finds items that contain all your search terms. Search strings using AND narrow our search and make it more specific to our topic. 

  • stepfamilies AND adolescents
  • "rape law reform" AND legislation
  • "Intimate partner violence" AND "victim services"

Most of the time, you'll want to use search strings with at least two search terms, in order to find the research most relevant to your needs. But be aware, search strings work best with no more than three or four search terms—otherwise, your search will be too narrow and the database might not find anything.


Journals and Trade Magazines

The Rediscovery of Crime Victims

Interlibrary Loan for Articles

If you can't access the full text of an article using any of the resources on this page, use Interlibrary Loan to request the article. We'll locate another library that has the article and get you a PDF copy for free; this typically takes 2-3 business days. UVU students and employees should never pay for articles—the library has you covered!

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